Browsing Category: Lifestyle

My Winter Playlist

Version 2

Guys.  SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER IS LEGIT!  I love winter, but this year is just out of control!  Here in NYC, we have seen an unusually warm and rainy season.  On the days when it is cold, it’s just that – cold!  Where’s the snow?  If I’m going to risk freezing to death, at least throw in some incentive for me to walk about smothered in blanket-sized scarves and thick-as-sheep sweaters. Continue Reading

A Love Letter to My Girl Friends


I’ve been avoiding this website for, well, years now!  Why?  Because the last two and half years have been almost too much to process.  There has been so much change and such a deep dive into my own emotions that I haven’t wanted to face it, at least not publically.  And, that’s not to say that it’s all been bad.  In fact, most of what has crossed my path in the last few years has been pretty remarkable and, at the end of the day, incredibly rewarding. Continue Reading



With all of the changes that have happened over the last year, I’ve neglected to write for some time.  Oh well.  Living my life just kind of took priority.  I truly don’t even know where to start though, it’s been so crazy!  But, I constantly crave this creative, cathartic outlet, no matter how silly a simple blog may be.  So, I’ll eventually get back in the swing of regular updates.  Anyway, I do have a valid excuse, as my life has been changing in big and exciting ways!

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